Mona KV in the News

Visual artist Mona KV firmly believes art keeps her sane
Banana Leaf Online offers M'sian Indian creatives a platform to share collective stories
Artist Mona KV: If You Can't Convince Your Parents, Prove It to Them
Drawn by story tellers at Iskarnival 2016
Mona KV Interview on 'Soaring Colours Art Exhibition' on Bernama TV
Short catch up with Ms.Mona, Visual Artist..
Mona KV Collaborates With Pos Malaysia; Deepavali 2021 Setem Ku
30 Artists From Around The World Exhibit 140 Works In The Heart Of Sliema
Mona KV (Exclusive Interview): Visual Art As A Reflection Of Life

Mona KV Videos

Mona KV Bernama TV Interview

If You Can’t Convince Your Parents, Prove It to Them